Pune Dist Ranking TT at PYC from 6th July

PYC Hindu Gymkhana is organizing 3rd Pune District Ranking Table Tennis Tournament of this season at  PYC Gymkhana Table Tennis hall, Bhandarkar Road, Pune from 6th July 2017. The event will start on Saturday 6th July at 4pm and will conclude on  11th July.

Cash prize of Rs.65,000 besides trophies and gift coupons will be distributed to all prize winners. National and International players like Shubhankar Renavikar, Anurag Gote, Gaurav Lohapatre, Shounak Shinde , Eesha Joshi, Pritha Vartikar are participating in  14 different age categories like Midget Boys and Girls (Under 10) , Cadet Boys and Girls (Under 12), Sub-Juniour Boys and Girls, Juniour Boys and Girls (Under 18), Youth Boys and Girls (Under 21), Mens, Womens, Veterans (40 Plus) and Open Doubles.

The organisers have confirmed that they  have received more than 475 entries.

For further details kindly contact Mr.Avinash Joshi (Tournament Secretary) mob no 9922420916  and Dr.P.P.Muley chairman organizing committee.