Shoplifting at Selection Centre Sports

Selection Centre Sports(SCS) , which is one of the biggest sports goods stores in Mumbai, is a very popular sports shop for sportspersons engaged in different sports. Known for availability of all brands of sports goods and good customer service, this shop is always busy from morning till late evening. To prevent shoplifting, closed circuit cameras have also been installed. But, in spite of all this care, a costly neatly packed Table Tennis bat was stolen by one youngster from this shop few days ago.Shoplifter


The shop has not only displayed the photo of the shoplifter in their shop; but also play the video clip, showing how he managed to steal the bat. Initially , he poses with his back towards the sales counter and then, quickly pushes the bat kept on the rack into his shoulder bag.

SCS  also shared the video and photo of this shoplifter with magzmumbi. The boy seems to be a collegian and from a well to do family. But, such thefts keep happening in Mumbai. Magzmumbai suggest  all those viewers, not to purchase such sports goods from any stranger, unless they know them personally.